河内尚子 Naoko KAWACHI
メタフィジカルコンサルタント Metaphysical Consultant


当初より自分らしい自由な働き方をデザインしながら、パーソナルスタイリストやフリーランスの PR などパラレルキャリアとして業界をブリッジ。

愛という絶対的価値と、視点によって物事の見え方は異なるという相対性を持ち合わせて人に向き合い、人は自分自身の意図や個性が最大限発揮できることで本人のウェルビーイングの向上のみならず、社会全体の調和にもつながると信じ、2019年に紹介制・会員制ウェルビーイングスタジオ「Native Stellar Alchemy」(通称:館)を表参道にオープン。



Started her carrier in the PR department of a major telecommunications company. Shortly after, she left for the US to study.When she came back, she engaged in the telematics service develpment project at an automobile manufacturer, with the knowledge and skills acquired in the US.


After working in the marketing section at a creative company, Naoko joined Concent, one of Japan's largest design firm in 2008 and established PR department to handle media relations and to improve inner communications. From the time she joined, Naoko designed her own free way of working, and while using her metacognitive ability, she has bridged the industries as a parallel career such as personal stylist and freelance PR.


Having the absolute value of love and the relativity that things look different depending on the viewpoint, and also believing that maximizing one's own intentions and individuality will not only improve the individual's well-being, but also lead to harmony in society as a whole, she started "Native Stellar Alchemy", referral/membership-only well-being studio in Omotesando, Tokyo in 2019.


With the knowledge of variety of ancient holistic healing art forms from regions and countries all over the world, she serves as therapist of Phytotherapie, Lomi Lomi, Che Nei Tsang, Medical Reiki, and Crystal Healing.



Also workshop facilitation to bring ones daily life abundance.









Information Architecture

User Experience Design

Service Design

Public Relations

Executive Assistant

Personal Styling

Metaphysical Therapies

Learning path and Diplomas

仏 AMPP 認定メディカルフィトテラピスト

フランス植物療法普及医学協会(Association médicale pour la promotion de la phytothérapie)、ルボアフィトテラピースクール森田敦子氏に師事。

米国 NTI 認定ホリスティック栄養コンサルタント



タイ LOIKROH 創立者 Coocky Tassanee / Natural Spirit 渡辺太紀乃氏に師事。Master Mantak Chia(謝明德), Jutta Kellenbergerの系譜。


ホ・オマナスパマウイ創設者、ネイティブハワイアン Kumu Jeana Iwalani Naluai に師事。Maka'ala Yates, Aunty Mahi Poe Poe, Aunty Margaret Machado, Papa Sylvester Kepelino, Rebecca Slavin and Aunty Mary Fragasの系譜。


ロバート・シモンズに師事。Transcendence Crystal Healer Level1修了。


Dr. マーティンポール、ミリンダサントシュ氏に師事し、Ayurveda Beginners Herb Class/Advanced Herb Classを修了。GURU HERBAL AYURVEDA RESORT AND CLINIC, KERALA。



パーソナルスタイリストジャパン 11期



コンセント代表/武蔵野美術大学 造形構想学部および大学院造形構想研究科教授 長谷川敦士氏。

コンピューター・グラフィックス、マルチメディアコミュニケーション BA, Summa cum Laude, メアリークレストインターナショナルユニバーシティー(米国・アイオワ州)

学習院女子短期大学 人文学科英語専攻 2 類(AA)

Medical Phytotherapist certified by Association médicale pour la promotion de la phytothérapie, France.

Taught / Mentored by Atsuko Morita, Le Bois Phytotherapy School.

Holistic Nutrition Consultant certified NTI school in Colorado, USA.


Chi Nei Tsang Therapist

Taught / Mentored by Coocky Tassanee, founder of LOIKROH massage school in Thailand / Takino Watanabe, founder of Natural Spirit. In the lineage of Master Mantak Chia, Jutta Kellenberger.

Lomi Lomi Therapist

Taught / Mentored by Native Hawaiian Kumu Jeana Iwalani Naluai, founder of Ho’omana Spa Maui. In the lineage of Maka'ala Yates, Aunty Mahi Poe Poe, Aunty Margaret Machado, Papa Sylvester Kepelino, Rebecca Slavin and Aunty Mary Fragas.

Certified Crystal Healer

Practitioner of Transcendence Crystal Healer Level1. Taught and certified by Robert Simmons.

Ayurvedic Herbal Therapist

Ayurveda Beginners Herb Class / Advanced Herb Class. Taught by Dr. Martin.P.Paul and Milind Santosh of GURU HERBAL AYURVEDA RESORT AND CLINIC, KERALA.

Medical REIKI Therapist certified by Medical REIKI Integrative Medicine Society

Taught / Mentored by Hiroco Lyucooji.

Personal Stylist

Taught / Mentored by Junko Masachika.

Information Architecture, User Experience Design, Service Design

Mentored by Atsushi Hasegawa, Ph.D, President of Concent, Inc. Professor of Musashino Art University.

BA, Summa cum Laude in Computer Graphics / Multimedia Communication, Marycrest International University - Iowa, USA

AA in English Language, Gakushuin Women’s Junior College, Tokyo

Hamamatsu-shi Municipal High School







yuji の宇宙会議:カリスマヒーラー・星読みyuji さんの星座別マンスリートークイベントの企画、運営、司会、コンテンツプロデュース支援

ゆじたび:カリスマヒーラー・星読み yuji さんの、日本全国バーターの旅企画「ゆじたび」のサポート

La Cigale:南フランスのライフスタイルブランド「ラ・シガール」 の PR(表参道での 3 日間のポップアップや、My Little Box とのコラボなど)


LE BÉNÉFIQUE:フランスのオーガニックハーブティー「ル・ベ ネフィック」のPR/現在はアンバサダー

La Mère Mimosa:フランスのオーガニックグラノーラ「ラ・メール・ミモザ」の日本上陸(伊勢丹ポップアップ出店)時の輸入手続き・PR支援

Ablxs「MOONEAU」:香水新ブランド「MOON EAU」ロンチのPR(プレスイベント)

越後妻有大地の芸術祭:2018 年の芸術祭のPR(東京でのプレスイベント)

オーストラリア大使館(南オーストラリア州政府日本事務所):南オーストラリア州のプロモーションイベント「Tasting South Australia」のPR(プレスディナーと一般向けイベント)/airstar Japan

外資系ラグジュアリーホテルブランドのリブランディングのプレスイベント/ Atelier LaPaz




kusakanmuriオリジナルアロマスプレー コラボ開発

apero winesへのレシピ提供



Public Relations, Kokusai Denshin Denwa (Now as KDDI) - telecommunication company

Telematics service development; Information Architecture; Project Management, Toyota Motor Corp & Digital Media Service

Marketing, Loftwork. Inc - creative company.

Communication Manager; PR; Executive Assistant, Concent, Inc - design firm.

PR, kusakanmuri - flowershop in Ebisu, Tokyo

Planning; Produce; Operation, yuji no uchukaigi. yuji is one of the most famous horoscope reading healers in Japan.

IA; PM; Support, Yujitabi - horoscope reading healer yuji’ s travel all around Japan project.

PR, La Cigale - Provence brand’ s promation in Tokyo, 3-day popup shop and collaboration with My Little Box

PR support, Cointreau - French traditional Liqueur brand.

PR and Ambassador, LE BÉNÉFIQUE - French organic herb tea brand. 

PR and Import support, La Mère Mimosa - French organic granola brand.

PR and Press Event organization, Ablxs” MOONEAU” - perfume brand

PR and Press Event, Echigo-Tsumari Art triennale 2018

PR and Press Press dinner organization, South Australia promotion event “Tasting South Australia” - Embassy of Australia/South Australia in Tokyo/ airstar Japan

PR and PM support, Media event for branding of a luxury hotels & resorts/ Atelier LaPaz

Editing support, Dr. Atsushi Hasegawa’s book “IA100”

Publishing produce support: Modern caligrapher Maki Shimano’s book “Modern Caligraphy”

Organizeing Online Cooking Class of Nice based Michellin star chef Keisuke Matsushima

Product development, kusakanmuri’s original aroma spray.

Recipe contribution to apero wines

Personal styling for business owners.
